There are 12 of anything in a dozen - you might be thinking of the idiom "a baker's dozen" which is a way of saying 13 items.
13 loaves in a bakers dozen
Oh, what a happy little mistake we have here! It seems like you might have a little typo in your question. That's okay, we all make mistakes sometimes. Just take a deep breath, correct it to "13 in a Bakers Dozen," and let's keep painting those happy little numbers!
In old archaic and casual language a dozen is '12'. It follows that a 'bakers dozen' is '13'. A Score is twenty '20'. A 'pair' is '2'. In the spoken and written English this would be 'twice'; NOT two times. Similarly , three (3) is referred to as 'thrice', NOT three times. In modern casual language a 'ton' is '100'. A 'grand' is '1000' .
A dozen is twelve, half a dozen is 6.
2 and a third dozen. 2 and two thirteenth bakers dozen. a dozen is twleve a bakers dozen is 13
twelve, but a bakers dozen is thirteen
cookies in a baker's dozen
A baker's dozen is equal to 13. So there are 13 hot cross buns in a bakers dozen.
A bakers dozen =13
3 dozen would be 36 cookies, unless it is a bakers dozen in which case your total would be 39 cookies.
Never heard of "bakers score" and "bakers gross", a bakers dozen is 13 because bakers used to throw in an extra bun for example if you ordered 12 buns, a baker would throw in one more making it thirteen, a score is 20 and a gross is 144, so if you go with the "bakers dozen" rule I suppose you add one to a score and one to a gross.
bakers dozen
about a bakers dozen