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There are 13 books in Euclid's Elements.

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His major accomplishment was in philosophy and mathematics

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'Elements' was written by Euclid.

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Euclid of Alexandria or Eukleides

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u know that is a vary stupid qustion

Title of the thirteenth book in euclids elements?

The thirteenth book in Euclids Elements has no specific title, but covers the Pythagorean proofs of Theaetetus (c. 417-369 bc) and the construction of the five regular Platonic solids (pyramid, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron) inside a given sphere.

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There are several. There is the Tesla-Beaton Prototype, the Mysterious Magnum, The YCS/186 gauss rifle, the Pulse gun, Euclids C-finder and many more. They are my preferable selection of weapons.

What is the significance of euclids workstudy?

Yeeah umm i dont know soo dnt come to its sux go to google or okaa ;D

How many amulet books will there be?

3 books