im not sure but theres a few brands i know :::: forsters toothpicks and brush picks toothpicks
You can buy 69 thousand packs of toothpicks.
break the toothpicks and you've doubled your amount of toothpicks
Arrange the 9 toothpicks thus: 7 + 3
Are these numbers decimals? Is it 14.35 inches and 3.15 inches? If that is the case, then 14.35/3.15 = 4.56 or 4 toothpicks.
People put toothpicks in there mouths so they pick at their teeth to get the food out
24 toothpicks.
You can buy 69 thousand packs of toothpicks.
It takes 14 toothpicks to spell "HAT".
Most toothpicks are between two and two and a half inches long.
Toothpicks do not directly cause deaths. However, accidental swallowing of toothpicks can lead to serious injuries or even death. It is advised to use toothpicks carefully and keep them out of reach of children to prevent such accidents.
break the toothpicks and you've doubled your amount of toothpicks
2 rectangles. Put two toothpicks on 2 sides and one on the other side, and that uses 6 toothpicks and if you make another rectangle like that you make 2 rectangles.