There are 60,000 milliseconds in a minute.
2,460.52 litres per minute.
there are 12 seconds in a fifth of a minute
There are 15 seconds in a quarter of a minute.
2/5 of a minute is 24 seconds. 2/5 is also 40% of a minute
30 rounds = stick mags, 45-70 rounds = drum mags
720 rounds a minute approximately
30 rounds
uh one
It has a thirty round magizine or a 100 round drum
Rate of fire depends on operators speed when pulling the trigger.
Its simply (in the case of guns) how many bullets the gun can fire in 60 seconds.
ABOUT 10. The rate of fire is 6oo rounds per minute.
Anywhere from 400 to 1200 rounds per minute. Some Gatling guns can fire 6000 a minute, although they may not be considered TRUE machine guns.
about 500 rounds(bullets) per minute
Depending on the rifleman, an experienced shooter can get off around 30 accurate shots per minute.
For the military version of the AK47, when fired in the full auto mode, the rate of fire is 600 rounds per minute, or 10 rounds per second. In the semi-automatic mode, it fires 1 shot for each trigger pull.