9, with 16 left over.
9 times with a remainder of 35
To determine how many times 5 will go into 175, you divide 175 by 5. The result is 35, meaning 5 will go into 175 35 times without a remainder. This is because 5 multiplied by 35 equals 175.
3 with 8 left over or 3.888. Divide 35 by 9.
12 cannot go into 107 because 107 is a prime number. but, 12 goes into 108 9 times
9, with 16 left over.
9 times with a remainder of 35
Exactly 9 times
12 cannot go into 107 because 107 is a prime number. but, 12 goes into 108 9 times
5 sevens go into 35. 7,14,21,28,25
35 times
4 #'s can go into 35: 1,5,7,35
3 of them with a remainder of 8
35 times.
35/43 = 0.814.