This is actually an unanswerable question cause what if the fattest person in the world sits on it or what if all the skinniest people in the world sit on it? also you could sit 1 inch apart or squish together or 2 hinchs apart and so on. Bad question just so you know.
Well, honey, let me break it down for you. Since Tanya has to sit at the head of the table, that leaves 9 people to shuffle around. Henry can't be next to Wilson or Nancy, so that limits the options. It's all about arranging those remaining 9 folks in a way that follows the rules. Math can be a real party pooper sometimes!
The number of circular permutations of n objects is (n-1)! so in this case the answer is 7! =5040 way to sit 8 people around a table.
8 people
6 ways
You can comfortably sit 6 at a 54 inch round table.
Ten people can sit around a 48 inch by 96 inch table.
How many people can sit at a 72" x 30" x 42" table
How many people can sit at a 72" x 30" x 42" table
6 people
8 people
It depends on whether it is round, oval or rectangular; how many courses you are serving (how many dishes on the table) and how large your guests are.
Since I have an 8 foot 7 inch table that sets 8, then a 4 foot table will only set 4. Brewski
How many people can sit at a 72" x 30" x 42" table
If using a rectangular table you need 3 feet per person to sit comfortable or between a 66-inch dining table and a 72-inch one for seating eight diners, consider the size of your chairs.