This is not a proper conversion. Cubic centimeters (cc) is a measure of volume. Grams (g), kilograms (kg) and milligrams (mg) are measures of weight or mass.
This is not a proper conversion. Cubic centimeters (cc) is a measure of volume. Grams (g), kilograms (kg) and milligrams (mg) are measures of weight or mass.
The conversion of milligrams (mg) to cubic centimeters (cc) depends on the density of the substance. To convert, you need to know the density of the specific substance in order to calculate how many cc are equivalent to 10mg.
1g = 1000mg 10mg x 1g/1000mg = 0.01g
1cg = 10mg 0.035mg x 1cg/10mg = 0.0035cg
1g = 1000mg 10mg x 1g/1000mg = 0.01g
That is 5,000 cc
2,750 cc
1 gallon = 3785.41 cc
473.176473 cc American568.26125 cc UK