Conversion: Naptha is 0.75 g / cc or 1.333 cc/g Conversion: 1000 cc = 1 l Conversion: 453.59237 g = 1 pound. Conversion: 2000 pounds = 1 ton 1 ton * 2000 lb/ton * 453.59237 g/lb * 1.333 cc/g * 0.001 l/cc = 1209.579653 liters.
1,500 cc
100 cc is 100 ml 1 cc= 1ml
there are approx. 30 cc in 1 oz
1 L = 1,000 cc 1 cc = 0.001 L
1500 cc = 1.5 litre
1 l =1000 cc 0.25 l=250 cc
1.0 L = 1000 cc or mL
3.0L is 3000cc
0.11L = 110cc
1000cc per liter.
1.75 Liters = 1750 ml = 1750 cc Bye
28,000 cc = 28 liters
To convert cubic centimeters (cc) to liters (L), divide the number of cc by 1000. This is because 1 liter is equal to 1000 cc.
The conversion between mL and cc are given .On finding the relation we get as follows : 1 cc =1 mL=1000 l. so ,12 ml=12 cc.