750 ml
Oh my god how does this site not have the answer I need it for my homework its due tomorrow ... I figured it out 75 mL = 175L
The only way you can convert 75 ml to 0.75 litre is to increase the 75 ml by tenfold to get to 750 ml = 0.75 litre. 75 ml x 10 = 750 ml = 0.75 litre.
1 litre = 100 centilitres so 0.1 litres = 0.1*100 = 10 centilitres. Simple!
750 ml
There are 10 millilitres in one centilitre. Therefore, 75 centilitres is equal to 75 x 10 = 750 millilitres.
There are 750 millilitres in 75 centilitres.
There are 10 centilitres in one decilitre. Therefore, to convert centilitres to decilitres, divide by 10. For example, 75 centilitres is equal to 75/10 = 7.5 decilitres.
There are 10 millilitres in one centilitre. Therefore, 1000 millilitres is equal to 1000/10 = 100 centilitres.
There are 10 millilitres in one centilitre. Therefore, 750 millilitres is equal to 750/10 = 75 centilitres.
10 millilitres = 1 centilitre so 350 ml = 350/10 ml = 35 ml. Simple!
10 ml
Yes it is. cl stands for centilitres or 100th of a litre, ml stands for millilitres which are 1000th of a litre. :)
About 23 cl (230 ml) slightly less than a quarter of a liter.
75 ml is equal to 75 cc. The volume measurement is the same in this case.
94 centilitres is equal to 940 millilitres.