5 feet are 152.4 centimetres. 2 inches are 5.08 centimeters. The sum is 157.48 centimetres or 1.5748 metres. Scroll down to related links and look at "Converter - Inches, feet, and centimeters in comparison".
If u mean 5ft 6.5inches then its answer is :178.51cm
Litre is 1000 CUBIC centimetres
There are 2.54 centimetres in one inch. Therefore, 2.25 inches is equal to 2.25 x 2.54 = 5.715 centimetres.
5' 2" = 62" = 157.5cm
She is 5ft 6inches
0.168 m 1 Feet = 0.3054 m approx.
152.4 centimetres.
matta serra is 5ft 6inches tall
174 cm
160 cm
5ft 6inches is 167.64 cm
5 ft 2.25 inches = 158.115 cm
5ft 7in = 170.18 centimetres.
there are twelve inches to a foot, and there are 2.54 centimeter to an inch. Now you do the math.
It's roughly 1 metre and 55 centimetres.