On the question of "Why apples are different colors?" there are three main patterns. Green apples are green because they contain the green pigment, chlorophyll. Yellow apples start out green but the apple stops making chlorophyll as it matures. The chlorophyll it contains eventually degrades to reveal yellow carotenoid pigments that were there all along but being masked by the chlorophyll. Red apples follow the same pattern as yellow apples but start making a red pigment called anthocyanin. So basically, all apples are some shade of red, green, or yellow, or a combination thereof.
their are three colours of an apple
one :RED
two :GREEN
three :YELLOW
2 apples.
2 because that's how many you took.
you have 2 apples
You have 3 apples! You have 3 apples!
2 apples because if WE TAKE 2 apples then WE HAVE 3 apples.
3 red, yellow, and green
apples, basket, colors
There are over 7500 apples grown worldwide. In the USA, more than 2500 of these apples are grown. Apples vary in colors from Red, Yellow, and Green.
when johnny apple seed was planting seeds some one came up behind him and cut his finger and he bled all over the seeds.
Apples can be green, but they can also be red, yellow, or a combination of colors. The color of an apple depends on the variety of the apple and its level of ripeness.
2 apples.
two apples
2 because that's how many you took.
you have 2 apples
Because that what the colours of those objects were.