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21.5 Credits to gradulate.

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Q: How many credits do you need to graduate high school in Washington state?
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How many credits is English in high school?

you need 4 to graduate in Washington state

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In the state of Connecticut, 20 credits are required in order to graduate from high school. Seven credits are electives.

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It's 28 for the school that i go to.

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How many credits to graduate High School in West Virginia?

You have to have 28 credits i know to graduate from any Putnam county schools so I'm sure it is the same for the state

How many credits do you need to graduate from a Louisiana high school?

In Louisiana, high school students need a minimum of 23 credits to graduate. These credits must be earned in specific subject areas such as English, math, science, social studies, and electives. Some districts may have additional requirements beyond the state minimum.

How do you fail ninth grade?

By being Nasir Turner... *If you do not pass a class, you will not receive credit and therefore will not fulfill your requirements to graduate. In Washington state in USA, if you go to a 4 year high school that starts with 9th grade - Freshmen year, you can go to that school again the next year and will be called a 10th grader - A Sophomore, but you will not have the requited credits to graduate High school . You must go to summer school to make up missed credits.

If you graduate from high school in Washington state but your parents live in California can you get instate tuition to a California school?


What happens to your high school credits if you transfer to North Carolina for grade eleven and then transfer back to Canada for grade twelve and graduate there?

As long as your high school in North Carolina is a state accredited school, there will not be an issue and all your credits will transfer.

How many high school credits do you need to graduate in Tennessee?

Well, I'm a junior right now and I have 22 credits. I'm class of 2014. The school board is changing a lot of rules & I think you need 28 credits to graduate high school. After 2014 graduates, the school board is making another change. The GPA scale is going up to a 5.0, which me personally I think isn't fair. This state sucks. ;/

How many credits should a high school sophomore have at the end of the year in Washington state?

No matter the state, you must have passing grades - usually a 70 or better in your classes - to gain the credits you need to graduate. Each school is different, my students must have a 74 or better to pass.