Each year is 365.24 days long (365.2422 actually), this means that every forth year we accumulate one extra day (leap year), this is added as an extra day, the 29th of February.
365.24 means that the we accumulate an additional 6 hours (approximately) every year, or 360 minutes (6 hours x 60 minutes).
This means that each day in a year is actually about 24 hours and 1 minute in duration, not exactly 24 hours; accumulating 1,440 minutes every 4 years (360 minutes x 4 years), or one extra day.
We do not count the extra minute per day into our daily routines, as we run strictly accourding to a 24 hour clock.
730 hrs
60,000 hrs = 2500 days
29 days * 24 hrs/day = 696 hrs
365 days x 24 hrs/day = 8760 hours
1416 hrs equals 59 days.
2 days
9 days.
138 days x 24 hrs/day = 3312 hrs
A Gregorian calendar regular year is 365 days x 24 hrs/day x 60 min/hr A Gregorian calendar leap year is 366 days x 24 hrs/day x 60 min/hr
February has 28 days because when the earth orbit the sun it take 1 year + 6 hrs so, the scientist decided to add these 6 hrs+ 6 hrs+ 6 hrs+ 6 hrs= 24 hrs = 1 day
24 hrs