This depends on which month you start and whether or not it starts close to a leap year, however generally, almost 24 months would pass before reaching the 720 day mark from start.
The 720-day cycle is sometimes synonymous with 2 years (24 months) although the total number of days in 2 years is either 730 or 731.
The number of calendar months elapsed (at about 30.4 days per month) would be about 23 and 2/3 months, or 23.65 months.
32 months & 26 days
3 months and 23 days.
There are five months in 148 days.
3 months and 4 days
Days vary month by month but the average is 30 days. Roughly 720 hours.
720 hours.
720 hours is 30 days, which is about 1 month, though of course different months are different lengths.
Around 1 month, or 30 days.
Feb. has 28 days. 672 hours Feb. Leap Year 29 days. 696 hours Months with 30 days. 720 hours Months with 31 days. 744 hours
30 days.
720 days is equal to:1 year and 71/73or1.97260274 years
There are: 60*12 = 720 months
It is 30 days.
there are 720 hours in 30 days
720 Hours.
There are 24 hours in a day. Some months have 30 days = 720 hours Some months have 31 days = 744 hours One month has 28 days = 672 hours