1 decade = 10 years 10 decades = 100 years Today is 2010. 10 decades ago, it was 1910 .
90 decades or 9 centuries
There are 3.5 decades in 35 years
60 years = 6 decades.
4 decades, 4 years
123 Years
There has not
13 decades and 8 years ago, Victoria Woodhull ran for President in 1872. And again in 1892.
Eight centuries ago give or take a couple of decades
An airline that was big many decades ago but has now gone out of business
1 decade = 10 years 10 decades = 100 years Today is 2010. 10 decades ago, it was 1910 .
none, there is no draft. it was discontinued decades ago
Eight. He did 84 years ago.
At the time of answering this question (Saturday 14th December 2013), the year three decades ago was 1983.
His decadence was imminent: he was always drunk.