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90 degrees

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Q: How many degrees does the minute hand turn through in a quarter of an hour?
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How many degrees does the minute hand move in a quarter hour?

In a quarter hour, the minute hand moves 90 degrees because a quarter hour is fifteen minutes. 360/4 = 90.

What is the angle between the minute hand and hour hand at quarter past two?

22.5 degrees

How many degrees does a clock make an minute?

The minute hand passes through 360 degrees in an hour and 6 degrees in a minute

How many degrees does the minute hand on a clock travel when it moves through one minute?

6 degrees.

How many degrees does the minute hand turn through in half an hour?

180 degrees.

How many degrees does the minute hand move in 15 minutes?

It moves 90 degrees because it forms a right angle with its previous position.

How many degrees will the minute hand of a clock rotate through in 8 hours?

2880 degrees 1) One rotation of the minute hand is 360 degrees. 2) One rotation is completed in 1 hour. 3) So in 8 hours the minute hand will go through 8 x 360 degrees = 2880

How many degrees does the hour hand pass through between 1200 pm and 230 pm?

From 12pm to 2:30pm, the hour hand goes 75 degrees. It is the minute hand that goes through 795 degrees.

How many degrees does the minute hand on a clock move in 1 hour?

It moves through 360 degrees

What is the angle between the two needles when the time is quarter past three?

0 degreesEach hour mark is worth 30 degrees. The hour hand will have moved 1/4 of 30 (7.5 degrees) from the 3 o'clock mark. The minute hand is on the 3 o'clock mark. That puts the hour hand 7.5 degrees ahead of the minute hand.

Through how many degrees does the minute hand of a clock turn in 10 minutes?


What is the angle when the time is quarter past 9?

172 and 1/2. Because the difference between hour hand and minute hand is 180 degrees. after moving quarter the hour hand moves 7 and 1/2 degrees. so 180-7 and 1/2=172 and 1/2