

Best Answer

There are frequently different forms used in different countries.

But the one for the United States is


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Q: How many different forms of a quadratic equation are there?
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What is the quadratic formula for?

The quadratic formula is used to solve the quadratic equation. Many equations in which the variable is squared can be written as a quadratic equation, and then solved with the quadratic formula.

What does a quadratic equation represent?

A quadratic can be used to represent many different things, such as parabolic/satellite dishes and the flight of ballistic projectiles.

How many discriminant did this quadratic equation have -4j2 3j-280?

A quadratic equation has one discriminant.

If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is -4 how many solutions does the equation have?

If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is less then 0 then it will have no real solutions.

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How many solutions to a quadratic equation?


How many real solutions does a quadratic equation have if its discriminant is negative?

The quadratic has no real solutions.

How many discriminants does the quadratic equation -4j2 plus 3j - 28 equal 0 have?

Any quadratic equation has one discriminant.

How many roots does a quadratic equation?

2 roots

In general how many distinct solutions are there to a quadratic equation?

the maximum number of solutions to a quadratic equation is 2. However, usually there is only 1.

How could the quadratic equation be used in technology?

As one example, the quadratic equation can be used to model many different phenomena - if you were to measure the height of a baseball as it was thrown straight up in the air and pulled down again, and plot the height with respect to time, it would look like a quadratic equation. Computer modelling is a large field with many applications in physics, meterology, and even social sciences.

How many total solutions are there to any quadratic equation?