5000 $500=x $1=10 dimes(0.1) $500*x=y $500(0.1)=y 5000=y
500 of them.
Approximately 5 lbs
5000/10 = 500 dollars.
That depends on the 'unit' of the 5,000 number in the question. -- 5,000 dimes make 5,000 dimes. -- 2,500 dimes make 5,000 nickels -- 500 dimes make 5,000 pennies -- 12,500 dimes makes 5,000 quarters -- 50,000 dimes makes 5,000 dollars
A potato can weigh 400 to 500 grams.
There are approximately 42 US nickels in 500 grams. Each nickel weighs 5 grams, so you can divide 500 grams by 5 grams to get the approximate count.
A pencil weigh 500 grams. Hint - A paper clip weighs 1 gram.
Puffins weigh anywhere from 15 pounds to 18.5 pounds.(500 GRAMS)
US one-cent coins manufactured since mid-1982 weigh 2.5 grams, so 200 in unworn condition would weigh a total of 500 grams. Older one-cent coins have different weights; 3.11 grams was the standard from 1946 to mid-1982.
Quarters minted after 1965 weigh 5.67 grams each. Grab your calculator and go from there.
5 tolberone bars
A spaghetti squash weighs in that range.
If by 500 you mean 500 cents then : 50 dimes or 100 nickels or 20 quarters. If you mean 500 dollars then: 5,000 dimes or 10,000 nickels or 2,000 quarters.
500 grams of what?
It depends on teaspoons of what. Different things weigh different amounts.
A pair of women's shoes, a set of keys, a loaf of bread, or four standard-sized apples typically weigh around 500 grams.