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Q: How many drinks per person per hour at a cocktail party?
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Related questions

How do you say cocktail hour in spanish?

To say, 'the cocktail hour', you say, "La hora del cóctel."

A person gets rid of how many drinks per hour?

A healthy person's liver metabolizes about 0.02% BAC per hour.

What is the best option for a person who has had three drinks in an hour?

Have some else drive.

If they sold 2114 drinks in 2 hours about how many drinks did they sell per hour?

157 drinks per hour

Approximately how many standard drinks can the average person's liver process per hour?

1 sd

Where does Alfred Hitchcock appear in the movie Notorious?

Hitchcock appears about an hour into the film, at the party in Alexander Sebastian's mansion. Hitchcock gets a glass of champagne from the bartender and quickly turns to the left and walks off screen.

How much liquour should be figured per person for a party?

== == 1 beer per person per hour

How many drinks would a female binge drinker drink in an hour?

We have no way of knowing. As many as she wanted, we guess. Anyone who drinks 3 - 5 drinks in an hour is binging.

What are the ratings and certificates for Rising Damp - 1974 The Cocktail Hour 3-6?

Rising Damp - 1974 The Cocktail Hour 3-6 is rated/received certificates of: UK:PG (video rating) (2000) (2006)

Should you snack before a dinner party?

Some people may have a snack several hours before the dinner party if the dinner party will be around 8 PM. When going to a dinner party there is an hour or so given for people before dinner that choose to have a few drinks and finger foods.

Which type of person will likely have the highest BAC after consuming 2 drinks in 1 hour?

Small build female, no dinner is what I went with : novanet

Alcohol builds up in the bloodstream after a person consumes more than how many drinks per hour?

Most people metabolize the alcohol found in one drink consumed per hour.