It is 381 miles and an estimated 6 hours and 12 minutes of driving time according to Google Maps.
I-25 N 381 miles - 6 hours 9 mins
The shortest driving distance is 381 miles.
I-20 W and US-78 W 381 miles - about 6 hours 8 minutes
The total driving time at 65 mph would be 5 hours 51 minutes 42 seconds.
It is 381 miles and an estimated driving time of 6 hours and 26 minutes according to Google Maps.
The distance between Baton Rouge, LA, and Panama City, FL, is 381 miles and will take approximately 6 Hours 10 Minutes of driving time.
The driving distance is approximately 381 road miles or 614 km.
381 miles
Approximately 6:27 hours
381 miles