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First, find the eggs per day rate:

1.5c( chicken) produce 1.5e (eggs) in 1.5d (days)

1.5e ---------------- 2/3 eggs Per chicken per day 1.5c * 1.5d

Take a look at the question now: 6 chicken in 3 weeks (21 days)

2/3 * 6c * 21d 84 eggs

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Q: How many eggs do 6 chickens lay in 3 weeks?
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At what age do leghorn chickens lay eggs?

16-20 weeks

How many eggs does a chocolate chicken lay?

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If 2 chickens lay 8 eggs in 3 days how many eggs can 5 chickens lay in 6 days?


Do chickens lay unfertilized eggs?

Yes, chickens lay unfertilized eggs.

If two chickens can lay 8 eggs in 3 days how many eggs can 5 chickens lay you 6 days?

If they are consistant they should be able to lay 40.

How long does it take for them to lay eggs?

It take about 18 to 20 weeks . Depending on the cicken. Bantam chickens lay earlier and they also lay longer than most other chickens.

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What is the pronoun for the chickens lay lots of eggs

Do chickens lay watermelons?

no they lay eggs THEY DON'T!! but some chickens lay eggs that turn into chicks over time

Why dont chickens lay as much eggs in wet weather?

Chickens may lay fewer eggs in wet weather due to the stress it can put on their bodies. Wet conditions can make chickens uncomfortable, leading to decreased egg production. Additionally, moisture can affect the quality of the eggs laid, making the chickens less inclined to lay as many.

Why do chickens lay eggs all the time instead of when they are broody?

Chickens have a natural instinct to lay eggs regularly as part of their reproductive cycle. Broodiness is triggered by hormonal changes that encourage incubation of eggs, so chickens typically lay more eggs when they are not broody. This allows them to consistently produce eggs for reproduction.

Do boy hens lay eggs am trying to say do boy hens lay eggs all year?

Hens are mom chickens and roosters are dad chickens. Only mom chickens, hens, lay eggs. They lay eggs all year.

When are baby chickens ready to lay eggs?

Many breeds of chickens are ready and will lay eggs by their 16th week. The first eggs from these hens are often small and can be mis-shapen or even yolkless as the birds oviducts are "practicing" what soon will become a normal everyday chore. Some breeds take a few weeks longer to mature.