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Just one of sufficient duration and placement.

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Q: How many farts are needed to make a 10 by 10 room uninhabitable?
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How many farts can a person make in a year?

the more you eat the more farts try not to eat so much for less farts.

Why are many parts of Middle East uninhabitable?

Because climate change can make animals not able to reproduce

Did the sumerians always have laws?

yes many laws about raising their children

What is the radiation on the moon?

many many many burps and farts

How many farts does it take to eat a lolly pop?

It take 5,400,974 farts! U shuld try it! LOL

How many players are on the heat?

There are four stinky farts per player on the heat. So that equals 47 farts!

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How many kinds of farts are there?

there are 6 kinds

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how many simple machine are needed to make a compound machine

How was southern society organized?

it was arranged by many farts

How many farts can you fart at ocnce?

One at a time.

How many farts does someone have in a lifetime?

up to 5,000,000