A foot is a unit of length. A kilogram is a unit of mass. You can't convert one to the other.
That depends what substance you have a kilogram of.A kilogram of air fills many many cc.A kilogram of water fills only 1,000 cc (1 liter).A kilogram if ice fills a few more cc than a kilogram of water does.A kilogram of lead, gold, or rock fills only a small number of cc.
1,000,000,000,000 nanograms are in one kilogram.
None. Kilometer is distance Kilogram is weight
There are 10 decigrams in a gram and 1,000 grams in a kilogram. Therefore, there are 10,000 decigrams in a kilogram.
2.20462262... pounds per kilogram.
That is approximately 1,841 pounds of concrete.
No-one can answer this. Cubic feet is a measure of volume, kilogram is a measure of weight or mass. The units are different and there is no conversion from one to the other without also specifying a density.
Your question has only one answer: a kilogram is measured in weight and feet is measured in distance. So feet will never ever be measured in kilograms because they are opposites!!!!!!!!
"Square feet" is a measure of area. "Kilogram" is a measure of mass. So, you can't convert square feet into kilograms.
Cubic feet is a measure of volume; kilogram is a unit of mass. You don't convert that.Cubic feet is a measure of volume; kilogram is a unit of mass. You don't convert that.Cubic feet is a measure of volume; kilogram is a unit of mass. You don't convert that.Cubic feet is a measure of volume; kilogram is a unit of mass. You don't convert that.
We can be converting square feet to square kilograms by knowing the feet and kilograms of an object but we will also be checking other dimensions but we can keep them constant.
A foot is a unit of length. A kilogram is a unit of mass. You can't convert one to the other.
A cubic foot is a unit of volume. A kilogram is a unit of mass. The two units are therefore incompatible.
1 kilogram
If one liter of water weighs one kilogram then 27 cubic feet will have a weight of 1,685.55 pounds.
This depends on what substance and at what temperature at sea level. Cubic feet is a volume. Kilogram is a weight. Give me a substance and I'll tell you how.
Heck, one killogram, I bro you, is a kilogram, dummy.