6 feet
1 hectare = 107,639.104 square feet.1 hectare = 107,639.104 square feet.
1 square meter is 10.7639 square feet.
1 mile = 5280 feet so 1/16 mile = 5280/16 feet = 330 feet
Three feet are in one yard.
There are 27 cubic feet in a cubic yard.
3 x 3 ie 9 sq ft.
A yeard is an alternative word for a yard, a measure of length equal to three feet.
There are three feet in a yard. This is an important unit of measurement to know if one is laying carpet or cutting fabric.
1650 yards... it is also a long distance event in swimming.
about 33/4 years
I'm 12 and I'm 5 feet and 8 inches tall and i weigh 128 lb
he is 28 yeard old
Jbl is 46 yeard old!
0.25 sqare feet= 1 feet.
1 and 1/2 feet.