A 72-inch pipe 16 feet long holds up to 3,384.1 US gallons of water.
14.7 gallons of water.
1.6 gallons of water.
40.8 gallons of water per 10 feet of length.
62.3 Imperial gallons.
6.5 gallons, if it is full of water. (if this is a trick question, and the pipe is empty or full of dirt or something, then not 6.5 gallons)
14.7 gallons of water.
111 gallons of water.
12,239.9 gallons of water per 3,000 feet.
5.5 gallons per 15 feet of 3-inch pipe.
1.6 gallons of water.
Up to 1,795.2 gallons of water.
6.5 US gallons of water.
65.3 gallons or 8.7 cubic feet.
40.8 gallons of water per 10 feet of length.
This pipe will hold 1,468.8 gallons of water.
45.9 US gallons.
A 16" by 1,960' pipe holds 20,471.7 gallons water.