16" pipe per foot = 9.17 Gallons for 16" SCH 40 pipe we just had to figure it out in our engineering department was looking for a short cut and ran across your post.
The number of gallons of water a Cal Spa hot tub can hold varies. Each hot tub in this brand is a different size and therefore can hold different amounts of water.
12 cubic feet
First convert all units to the same units - everything to inches, or everything to feet. Then use the formula for a cylinder to calculate the volume, which will be in cubic inches, or cubic feet. Finally you'll have to convert that to gallons.
This cylinder will hold up to 3,760.11 gallons of water.
141.06 gallons
A 15 cubic foot tank will hold a maximum of about 112.2 gallons of water.
About 14,351 US gallons of water.
700 gallons
A 7 cubic foot freezer can hold approximately 52.44 gallons of water (1 cubic foot is roughly equal to 7.48 gallons).
One foot of 3 inch pipe will hold approximately 0.625 gallons of water.
17,000 gallons
A pool this size will hold about 21,544 gallons of water.
A 12 inch diameter round pipe will hold 4.89 UK gallons or 5.88 US gallons per foot.
Since the pool is 1477440 cubic inches, it'll hold about 6395.844 gallons of water.
how many gallons of water will a tank that is 5 foot by 4 foot by 8 foot hold