This question is impossible to answer ! How bigare the golf-balls - how wide and how high is the trailer !
Draw a star. Place one ball at each point. Place one ball at each line intersection. You will now have 5 lines, each has 4 balls, total of 10 balls.
That would be very difficult to determine. The experiment could never be set up and conducted, since there is no such thing as a "cubed square foot". If you meant to say cubic foot, then here is a way to determine it. You will need golf tees that will sink in water, plus a container holding 2 cubic feet, with a mark at the one cubic foot level. Fill the container with water to the one cubic foot level. Start dropping in the golf tees until the water level is at the top, or two cubic feet. Count how many golf tees you put into the container to get your answer.
As many as you can fit.
5 can fit into 25 because 5x5=25
This question is impossible to answer ! How bigare the golf-balls - how wide and how high is the trailer !
you dont wanna know :)
Morgan dennison is the biggest dork ever!1,ooo pounds of golf balls can fit in a bathtub but only in outerspace. with an astronaut monkey of course!
It takes about 19,884,993,775 golf balls to fill Jordan Hare Stadium
There is no international standard size for mail boxes.
15625 golf balls will fit in 1 cubic meter. Volume of a golf ball is approximately 40 cubic cm. Since 1 cubic meter has 1,000,000 cubic cm, the number of golf balls purely on voume calculation would be 25,000. However, there would be a lot of empty space between golf balls and hence significant volume will be used by empty space. The diameter of a golf ball is 4 cms. Based on that you should be able to fit 25 balls across length, width and height making the total number of golf balls to be 25 X 25 X 25 = 15,625.
Between 3000 and 3500 balls.If you were to grind up legal golf balls (minimum volume 2.482 cu. in. / 40.68 cc), you could fit almost 5118 in a drum sized at 55 US Gallons. However, using whole golf balls would waste a considerable amount of space, perhaps 1/3 the volume per single ball, which would give you 3300 balls in the drum.
With a nice big helping of KY jelly
A single pound is 16-ounces, and a single golf-ball is... roughly (as I am not a frequent golfer) around 3-ounces (and I'm positive that they can vary, depending.)A 3-ounce golf ball can fit into a pound 5 times. A 2-ounce golf ball can fit into a pound 8 times.Does it specify the balls' size?Either way... you truly should be doing this on your own, for your best interests.Good luck.