2.54 grams/cubic inch
The density of lead is 11.34g per cubic centimetre. As there are 16.387 cubic centimetres in one cubic inch, one cubic inch of lead weighs 11.34 X 16.387 or 185.83grams. In ounces this is 6.55 (or just over 6 and a half) ounces.
Inch is a length. Cubic inch is a volume. The question is wrong.
One square inch of dust weighs nothing, because there is no depth measurement given in your question. What we really need is "What does one cubic inch of dust weigh?" So, since only weight per cubic foot of dust is available (around 100 lbs if you're weighing silica dust), we need to know how many of those cubic inches are in one cubic foot. [pound = lb] A cubic foot in inches measures 12" x 12" x 12". This amounts to 1,728 cubic inches. Divide 100 lbs into 1,728 separate chunks, each measuring 1" x 1" x 1" and you get a cubic inch weighing 0.05787 lbs. Multiply that by 16 and you get a cubic inch of dust weighing 0.926 ounces, because there are 16 ounces in one pound.
5.3 cubic feet.
2.54 grams/cubic inch
Gray cast iron is around 118 grams per cubic inch.
The square inch is a unit of area. The cubic inch is a unit of volume; a cubic inch of uranium has a mass of approx. 312,2 grams.
taking the normal density of water as 1g/cc, the amount of water in 1 cubic inch would be 16.387064 grams. Addition about 1 cubic inch.
To convert from grams per cubic centimeter to grams per cubic inch, we need to know that there are approximately 16.39 cubic centimeters in a cubic inch. So, we can convert the density of platinum from grams per cubic centimeter to grams per cubic inch by multiplying by 16.39. The density of platinum per cubic inch would be 21.4g/cm3 x 16.39 = 350.646 g/in3.
Tungsten weighs about 0.7 lb per cubic inch.
One cubic inch of gasoline weighs approximately 0.4 ounces.
1 US gallon of water weighs 8.33 pounds at 60 degrees F. There are 231 cubic inches of water per gallon, so 8.33 pounds divided by 231 = .03606--> pounds per cubic inch.
A cubic inch of marble typically weighs around 0.31 pounds.
A cubic inch of 4130 steel weighs approximately 0.283 pounds.
0.036127pounds or 16.387064 grams or 0.0163871 kilograms