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I suppose it differs for diffrent people. For example, mine is: 24

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Q: How many heartbeats can a person feel in 15 seconds?
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How many heartbeats does a tiger have?

123,456,789,876,543,212,345,678,987,654,321 I really don't get what your asking, person.

How many heartbeats would you have if you reach 75 years old?

25 heartbeats

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90 seconds

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a beautiful person who lives beyond the mist- a pure and wonderful lived female with many joys emotions and thought of joy and heartbeats.

How many heartbeats should you have in 10 seconds?

i think it was either 16 or 18 but it should be 16 A reasonably good rested heart rate is 72 beats per minute. So 12 beats in 10 seconds is more normal than 16 to 18.

How many heartbeats in one minute?

Depends how fit you are.

Who many people have missing heartbeats?

Only the dead ones.

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If a person can run 3 miles in 18 minutes and 36 seconds how many seconds would it take the person to run a half mile?

It would take 3 minutes 6 seconds at that pace.

How many seconds to check the normal breathing to diagnose cardiac arrest?

Take 10 seconds maximum to determine if a person is breathing.

Every how many seconds is a person born or killed?

one minute