It's always a number between 14 and 38.
Many options: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, or Today, Tomorrow and the Day after Tomorrow, or name them in a language other than English.
11 hours
8 hours
4 hours
how many hours are between 8:15AM and 2:00PM
There are 24 hours between a given PM time to the same time the next day. For example, from 4:00 PM today to 4:00 PM tomorrow will be 24 hours.
if today sun sets at 6 pm in northern hemisphere , then at how many minutes will it set tomorrow
It's always a number between 14 and 38.
As the question was asked on a Sunday, the answer is 48 hours.
There are 24 hours between a given PM time to the same time the next day. For example, from 4:00 PM today to 4:00 PM tomorrow will be 24 hours.
One- one full turn= one full day
Many options: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, or Today, Tomorrow and the Day after Tomorrow, or name them in a language other than English.
There are many words of that but a few examples are tomorrow, today, and now.
less than 2 hours today in my 8 hours working hours
how many hours are between 8:15AM and 2:00PM