There is no answer to the question as posed, for the units of Time (hours), and Memory Capacity (GB) are incompatible, or at least un-related.
12.5 hours.
12000 seconds is equal to 200 minutes or 3 hours and 20 minutes.
140 hours is equal to 5.83 days.
11 hours is 0.458333 days.
There are 145.83 days in 3500 hours
Quite many hours actually.
2,000,000 kilobites are in 2gb.
dear friend, I think you are confused with 2GB hard disc space and 2GB RAM...
6 hours equal 0.0013889 months.
6 hours equal 360 minutes.
Ten hours.
Two hours
They are the same - sometimes they use GB (Gigabyte) or G (gigs). They are equal.
150 hours
35000 seconds is equal to 9 hours and 43 minutes.
144 hours is equal to 6 (six) days.
Two days equal 48 hours.