This isn't a proper question. Hours are measurements of time, but mb are megabytes which are measurements of a computer's capacity.
Approximately 10 hours.
It depends on the quality of the video and audio, but usually around two hours.
It depends on the compression used. Usually normal 1,5 or 2 hour movies are compressed to 700Mb to fit on a burnable CD.
Approx 700MB, or 700,000,000 bytes.
Yes, and more. 700mb is approx 700,000kb
a standard size of 650MB to 700MB would indicate a??
Almost one gb
700Mb. But it depends on the quality sometimes there are cheap cds with 650mb
0.7gb 1 giga byte= 1000 mb
Typical capacity of a CD is nominally 700MB, and is usually a few MB higher.