The length of a night depends upon where you are in the world at the time, and what time of year it is. It can also vary wildly.
To find out how long the night is were you are at this time, have a searce for "sunrise and sunset times" and look for your area. A little bit of arithmetic and you'll know how long that night was from sunrise to sunset.
The equinoxes.Equinox. (equi = equal, nox = night)Called Equinox, at approx. 21 March & 21 Sept, spring and autumn beginningEquinox. There is one in the Spring and one in the Autumn.
277.7778 hours.
8,766 hours in one year.
6 hours
299 miles can't be expressed in hours. If it could, then you'd be able to figure out how many minutes high your house is, and how many miles of sleep you had last night.
about 10 hours
24 hours.
24 hours.
4 hours
The duration of One Night in One City is 1.25 hours.
The duration of One Mysterious Night is 1.02 hours.
The duration of One Frightened Night is 1.1 hours.
The duration of One Night with the King is 2.05 hours.
The duration of One Night Husband is 1.6 hours.
The duration of One Night of Love is 1.38 hours.
The duration of One Exciting Night is 2.13 hours.
The duration of One Night in Eden is 1.53 hours.