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Q: How many hours is . 2 a day?
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How many hours a day do you listen to your Ipod?

About 2 hours a day.

How many hours is 12 am to 2 am the next day?

12 AM one day to 2 AM the next day is 26 hours.

How many hours should you play with rat a day?

at least 2 hours a day

How many is one day and 2 hours together?

That would amount to 26 hours.24 hours in a day plus 2 hours equals 26 hours.

How many days is in 48hours?

24 hours a day... 48 hours / (24 hours/day) = 2 days...

How many hours is 8am to 10am?

On the same day 2 hours

How many hours is 9 AM to 2 PM the next day?

29 hours (24 hours - 9 hours [1st day] + 14 hours [2nd day])

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12 hours how many days?

12 hours is 1/2 a day

How many hours or day does bacteria grow?


How many hours should an adult sleep a day?

About 8 Hours Through The Night, 1-2 Hours During The Day.

How many hours a day should a 13 year old exercise?

1 to 2 hours a day is healthy.