5 hours
There is a 3-hour time difference between Eastern Time (ET) and Pacific Standard Time (PST). When it is 3:00 PM in ET, it is 12:00 PM in PST.
There is a 10 hour difference.
9am PST is 6pm in Belgium. Belgium is 9 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time (PST).
There is an 8 hour time difference between GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) and PST (Pacific Standard Time).
4am GMT is 8pm PST (previous day). Time conversion between GMT and PST is 8 hours behind.
200 PST is equivalent to 2300 EST. This is because EST is 3 hours ahead of PST.
PST (Pacific Standard Time) is 8 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Therefore, to convert PST to Universal Time (UT), you would need to add 8 hours to the PST time.
The time difference between Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pitcairn Standard Time (PST) and...India Standard Time (IST) is 13½ hrs.Israel Standard Time (IST) is 10 hrs.Irish Summer Time (IST) is 9 hrs.
The GMT equivalent of 0800 PST is 1600 GMT. This is because GMT is 8 hours ahead of PST.
8am CST is 6am PST. Both time zones are 2 hours apart, with Pacific Standard Time (PST) being 2 hours earlier than Central Standard Time (CST).
Amsterdam is +6 hours on EST, +7 ON CST, +8 on MST +P on PST