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9am to mid-day = 3 hours

mid-day to 3pm = 3 hours

3 + 3 = 6

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Q: How many hours is it from 9 until 3 o'clock?
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How many hours is between 4 oclock and 7 oclock?

3 assuming they are both the same-am or pm

What is the time in Baghdad when it is 3'oclock in London?

3 oclock

How many hours is 10 am to 3 pm?

5 hours.You can think of it as 2 hours until midday and then 3 hours until 3. 2 + 3 = 5.5 hours

What is 3 oclock on a 24 hour clock?

3o'clock??? 3:00 am is 0300 hours. 3:00 pm is 1500 hours.

How many hours is it from 9am until 3 pm?


If it is 6 oclock in Florida what is it in California?

California is 3 hours ahead of the east coast. If it is 6:00 in Florida, it's 3:00 anywhere in California.

What does target at your twelve oclock mean in mw2?

It means right in front of you. When soldiers relate directions to the clock 3 oclock means right, 9 oclock means left 12 oclock means front, and 6 oclock means back.

Which side is 3 o'clock side driver side or passenger side?

Passenger side is 3 o-clock. for example ; 12 9 * 3 6 12 oclock is in front of you. 9 oclock is on the left hand (Drivers side) 6 oclock is in back of you (behind you) 3 oclock is on the right hand (Pass. Side)

if a football match started playing at 8:00 oclock and it ended at 3:44 oclock for how long did it take?

if it started at 8:00 PM one night and ended at 3:44 AM the next morning that would mean the game lasted 7 hours and 44 minutes.

How many hours is 3pm Friday to 8am monday?

14 hours I think I might be wrong It's 48 hours from 3 PM Friday until 3 PM Sunday, then it's another 9 hours until midnight and another 8 hours until 8 AM Monday. (48 + 9 + 8) hours = 65 hours.

What is the 24 hour time for 3 oclock pm?

In military time, 2:10 pm is 14:10 hours.

How many hours between 9am to 1pm?

4 hours. 9am until noon is 3 hours and 1 more makes 4.