That really depends a lot on the video's size and quality. Take a sample of a video in the desired quality, and look how many MB it takes, and for how many minutes it plays. From there, you can extrapolate. (1 GB = 1024 MB)
It depends on your usage, whether you are streaming video or audio, downloading patches for various programs etc. For example you can easily use 5GB in an hour on Torrent, but on youtube SD it may give you 15hrs-500hrs. Please redefine the question.
5120MB is equal to 5GB.Hope this help.
1h to 2.25 hours depending on quality.
5gb is (5*1024)mb
if 5gb is equal to 5000 mb and the question is which is faster 50 mb or 5gb it is just the same asking is 50mb higher than 5000mb so 5gb is faster
One gigabyte (1GB) is equal to one thousand megabytes (1000MB), so five gigabytes (5GB) is equal to five thousand megabytes (5000MB).
1gb = 1000mb = 1000000kb 5gb = 5*10^6 kb
Since 5GB is the same as 5000MB --> 5000MB-1368,663MB=3611,337MB
The number of movies you can watch with 5GB of data can vary depending on the quality of the video. On average, you can watch about 2-3 movies in standard definition (SD) or 1 movie in high definition (HD) with 5GB of data. Keep in mind that streaming services may use more or less data per hour of streaming.
About 1360 Web pages per day. About 9.7 on-line Gaming hours per day.
5GB would be 5*1024MB i.e. 5120MB
No, 5000kb = 5mb, 5000mb = 5gb