A ---- check is daily base
B ----- check is 300 hours
C ----- check is 1500 hours
D ----- check is 6000 hours.
The duration of a C check for a DG set can vary depending on its size and complexity. On average, a C check for a DG set could take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks to complete. It is best to consult with a qualified service provider for a more accurate estimate based on the specific requirements of your DG set.
Here is the formula, Per hour consumption = Diesel consumed / Total DG run hours Diesel consumed = Previous closing balance - Actual closing balace Daily DG run hours = (Total DG run hours / (DG capacity*24 - Total DG run hours)) * 24 / (( Total DG run hours / ( DG capacity * 24 - Total DG run hours )) + 1 Regards, Shibin shibin.hesel@gmail.com
250 running hours
To calculate the DG set current, you need the load current and the load voltage. To convert it into kilowatts it is divided by 1000.
4 dg
74.8 dg to kg
What is the minimum height required for chimney of 100 KVA DG Set which is kept in
15 dg equal how many mg
the romans
10 g = I dg
this check is preventive maintainance of DG sets(1000-1500KVA). 1) A-check is done on daily basis here we check: a) oil level b) coolant level c) gauge valve level d) check for any leakage. e) cleanliness of DG set. 2) B-check(done after 300hrs of cycle or 6 months whichever is earlier. ) a) check lube oil filter b) fuel filter c) air filter d) bypass filter 3) C-check(done after 1500hrs of cycle or 3yrs whichever is earlier.) a) all steps of b-check. b) check/change of air filter (if needed). c) check/change of other filters mentioned in b-check. d) change of gaskit of chambers. 4) D-check a) done in 6000 hrs of cycle.
can you tell me 8.0 g = how many dg