A pound coin is 22½ mm diameter, while a football pitch is approximately 100 x 40 metres, so 4000 square metres. Each coin fits in a 22½ mm square, which is an area of 0.0225 x 0.0225 square metres. That is .0005 square metres. The ratio of the areas is 4000 / .0005 so that football pitch would take 7.9 million pound coins.
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In reality, this depends on the land use bylaw for the city/town/municpality that governs the land. Assuming this is a "standard" lot of 15m x 30m and is zoned as "residential", you can probably only have one house on the lot. Legal stuff aside, I guess it depends on how big the house(s) would be. You could come up with an average size of a few houses (based on Real Estate Listings) and then just use division: 420m2 / ???m2 = # of houses that could fit
in Somalia there are 17 football pitch. there many small pitch's but the most famous pitch's are 17
make pure list of football goal post measurement
ther are two lines of symetry on a football pitch
it depends on the formation
They were rely poor as many could not afford to renervate houses They were rely poor as many could not afford to renervate houses They were rely poor as many could not afford to renervate houses find someone who can spell
A typical football pitch is about 110 yards by about 70 yards (the rules allow some flexibility in the size) so that a pitch covers about one and a half acres of field or, including the immediately surrounding land that goes with it, the football pitch takes up about 2 acres
about 1.25 id think? am i wrong?
"Cuantas casas tiene" means "How many houses do you have?" in Spanish.
one it's football field, 12 a half
The Titabic was 11 storys tall and as long as 3 football fields.
many children in Iran play football in hall,street,stadium and their houses.