17.25 hrs
It will take about 3 hours and 50 minutes of total driving time at a constant 65 mph. Your total travel time will be longer if you slow down or stop along the way.
up to 14 or 15 hrs a day
you want your speed to be 1mile/12 minutes . This has units of miles per minute. To change to miles per hour you write 12 minutes as 1/5 of an hour. Then your speed is; 1mile/(1/5)hrs. Invert and multiply to get 5 miles/1 hrs or 5 miles per hr.
An hour is a unit of time. A mile is a unit of distance. Without some unit of speed to convert, there is no conversion to be made between the two.
700 miles or 11 hrs
how many hours does it take to drive 224 miles by train
7.01818 Hrs. at 55 MPH
8 hrs 30 min
6.93 Hrs
505 miles; apprx. 9 hrs drive
around 2 hrs
15 hours 23 minutes.
1 hour 33 minutes at 60 mph
That all depends on what speed you're travelling at !
8 hrs 29 mins at 60 mph