8000/100 = how many hundreds there are
When you divide anything by 100, you take off 2 zeros, which in this case makes 80
9286092476097230467983563468956099970398792097096473069384763490857307593867983758937096739857309487684970937039758674983679064 humdreds
Eight thousand of them.
There are 8000 ones in 8000. ------------------------ The ones column is the column before the decimal point - in this case the decimal point is hiding at the end of the number and the ones column is the last digit. The ones column contains a 0 therefore there are no ones in 8000 8000 is eight thousands plus no hundreds plus no tens plus no ones.
The nearest thousand to 8432 is 8000. When rounding to the nearest thousand, we look at the hundreds place - in this case, it is 400. Since 400 is less than 500, we round down to 8000.
Oh, dude, 8000 is like 80 hundreds. You just gotta slide those zeros over two spots and bam, you've got your answer. Math can be chill sometimes, you know?
80 hundreds = 80 * 100 = 8000100 more than 8000 = 8000 + 100 = 8100
Eight thousand of them.
There are 8000 ones in 8000. ------------------------ The ones column is the column before the decimal point - in this case the decimal point is hiding at the end of the number and the ones column is the last digit. The ones column contains a 0 therefore there are no ones in 8000 8000 is eight thousands plus no hundreds plus no tens plus no ones.
8000 feet = 8000 feet.
The nearest thousand to 8432 is 8000. When rounding to the nearest thousand, we look at the hundreds place - in this case, it is 400. Since 400 is less than 500, we round down to 8000.
7642 is 8000 to the nearest 1000 because of the 6 in the hundreds place.