The number 4500 is four thousand five hundred but some people call it forty-five hundred. So answer is 45 45 x 100 = 4500
It depends on what you are rounding to. If you are rounding to: Whole number: 4499.5 Tens: 4495 Hundreds: 4450
The answer depends on 4500 WHAT!
20000 of them.
4500/100 = 45 so 45 hundreds.
45 of them.
45 of them because 45*100 = 4500
The number 4500 is four thousand five hundred but some people call it forty-five hundred. So answer is 45 45 x 100 = 4500
It depends on what you are rounding to. If you are rounding to: Whole number: 4499.5 Tens: 4495 Hundreds: 4450
um, about 4500
4500 can be rounded only to 4500 to the nearest 100.
In a number line that goes to infinity, there would be an infinite number of hundreds.
The number 4500 is spelled "four thousand five hundred."