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Q: How many hundredths away is 0.28 away from 0?
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How many hundredths away from 0 is 0.28?

28 of them.

How many hundredths are in 0.9?

There are 90 hundredths in 0.9 90

What is the hundredths place in 92.103?

the 0 is in the hundredths place

What is the ISBN of Mr Ponsonby?

The ISBN of Mr Ponsonby is 0-86470-028-8.

How do you convert hundredths of an inch to an inch?

Multiply the hundredths of an inch by 100._________________Think carefully:How many hundredths of an inch do you have there, John?I have 543, Bob. 543 hundredths of an inch.So John, how many inches is that?Bob, I figure I have 5.43 inches here.John is correct. You take the number of hundredths, and divide it by 100. Every 100 of them in a row will equal an inch.

How do you solve 1.3-0.28?


Write 3.8 in hundredths?

i think it is 3.80 the 0 is inthe hundredths place not sure if this is right though i think it is 3.80 the 0 is inthe hundredths place not sure if this is right though

how do you round 39.948?

Answer: 39.95 Rounded to the nearest 0.01 or the Hundredths Place. Explanation 39.948 You rounded to the nearest hundredths place. The 4 in the hundredths place rounds up to 5 because the digit to the right in the thousandths place is 8. 39.95 When the digit to the right is 5 or greater we round away from 0. 39.948 was rounded up and away from zero to 39.95

How many hundreds in 0.03?

In 0.03, there are no hundreds. The digit in the hundredths place is 0, indicating there are no complete hundredths in the number. The number 0.03 can be expressed as 3 hundredths or 3/100.

What is the place value of 0 in 6.103?

0 is in hundredths place.

What number represents the smallest amount 3.26 0.54 89.00 0.09?

0.09 All these numbers can be categorised in wholes, tenths and hundredths. Therefore 3.26 is 3 wholes, 2 tenths and 6 hundredths; 0.54 is 0 wholes, 5 tenths and 4 hundredths; 89.00 is 89 wholes, 0 tenths and 0 hundredths; 0.09 is 0 wholes, 0 tenths and 9 hundredths. Hence 0.09 is the smallest of the numbers.

Which digit in 983.40762 is in the hundredths place?

The hundredths place is two after the decimal point, so the hundredths digit in 983.40762 is 0.