There are one hundred hundredths of anything in that thing. So, 100.
In one inch there are hundred 100ths of a inch Since there are 12 inches in a foot, there will be 12 x 100 = 1200 hundredths of an inch in a foot
Multiply the hundredths of an inch by 100._________________Think carefully:How many hundredths of an inch do you have there, John?I have 543, Bob. 543 hundredths of an inch.So John, how many inches is that?Bob, I figure I have 5.43 inches here.John is correct. You take the number of hundredths, and divide it by 100. Every 100 of them in a row will equal an inch.
Two one hundredths of an inch is equivalent to 0.02 inches. This can also be expressed as 1/50 of an inch, as 0.02 is the same as 2 divided by 100. In decimal form, 0.02 can be written as 2/100 or simplified to 1/50.
There are one hundred "hundredths" in one whole.
There are one thousand thousandths of an inch in one inch.
62.5 hundredths = five eighths.
In one inch there are hundred 100ths of a inch Since there are 12 inches in a foot, there will be 12 x 100 = 1200 hundredths of an inch in a foot
87.5 of them
Multiply the hundredths of an inch by 100._________________Think carefully:How many hundredths of an inch do you have there, John?I have 543, Bob. 543 hundredths of an inch.So John, how many inches is that?Bob, I figure I have 5.43 inches here.John is correct. You take the number of hundredths, and divide it by 100. Every 100 of them in a row will equal an inch.
No because .11 = 11/100 which is eleven hundredths of one inch
It is 6 hundredths of an inch.
.1 is one tenth. Therefore, 16 tents would be 16x.1. Thus, .16 is not sixteen tents, but rather 16 hundredths.
0.09 inch
100 hundredths are in one whole
ten hundredths in one tenth