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Q: How many inches does a sailor sail if he has two swallow tattoos on his chest?
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Why do some swallow tattoos have a dagger through them?

I heard that if I sailor lost a good mate at sea he would put a dagger through his swallow tattoo to symbolize his lost friend. My grandfather told me this and showed me a picture of his sailer friend. He had 2 swallows on his chest and one had a dagger through it. My grandpa then told me about thow he had lost his brother (a sailor too)at sea.

What do swallow tattoos mean to you?

To me the tattoo of a swallow means that you have gotten your freedom. Its a sign of respect, loyalty, pride and trust. Also, music is a big part of my life and it symbolizes rock. The story goes that in the olden days, a sailor would get a set of swallows or sparrows on its chest and if he\she drowned, the swallow would come down and lift his soul to the heavens. It means you'll always be okay, its like a guardian angel.

What do swallows do?

A symbol of good luck, it is also associated with the coming of spring, homecoming and resurrection. A sailor received a swallow on each side of his chest to show that they had travelled 5000 miles.

The meaning of two sparrows tattoo on the chest?

One tattoo has an extra sparrow!Sailors would get them after traveling 50,000 nautical miles.

Does Katy Perry have tattoos on her chest?


What do swallows symboloise?

A symbol of good luck, it is also associated with the coming of spring, homecoming and resurrection. A sailor received a swallow on each side of his chest to show that they had travelled 5000 miles.

What does it mean for a guy to get a swallow tattooed on his chest?

if u ask me, it means nothing. Tattoos are usually symbols of something. As long as you feel comfortable with the tattoo it shouldn't matter. Remeber though, tattoos are for life unless you want to get it lasered off which gets expensive. It doesn't mean your "gay" if that's what u were asking.

Where are places girls like men tattoos?

i say the chest!

How many tattoos does gary allan have?

Gary Allan has multiple tattoos, but the exact number is not publicly known. He is known to have tattoos on his arms and chest, which he often displays during his performances.

What is written on Zayn Malik's chest?

There are two tattoos on his chest, one of then says Walter, and the other says Be True To Who You Are. (:

Does Kevin garnett have a chest tattoo?

no he doesn't he doesn't have any tattoos

What are the most common designs for chest tattoos?

Chest tattoos can be as varied as their owners. The most popular designs are frequently nautical and used by sailors. Dragons and birds, especially eagles, also figure prominently.