0.4330708661 in
Direct Conversion Formula 11 mm*
1 in
25.4 mm
0.4330708661 in
11 millimeters = 0.43307 inches Direct Conversion Formula11 mm* 1 in 25.4 mm = 0.4330708661 in
11mm x 11mm = 121 mm2
Yes, 11mm is smaller.
As long as it has an 11mm ring mount then Yes. And I think it does, or you can order 11mm scope rings for the scope.
Just about the length (the long side) of a piece of printer/ copy paper.
0.011 metres
The front pads should be 11mm and minimum 2mm. The rear pads should be 10mm and minimum 1.5mm. Use Google to convert to inches.