It is 78,720,000,000 quarts.
Eight imperial gallons equal one bushel45 gallons would equal 5 bushels and 5 gallons.
One bushel of oats weighs about 32 lbs. One pound would be 1/32nd of a bushel. That is about .0031 bushels per pound.
A peck is greater.
I just found out that a whole peck is 10-12 pounds or 32 medium apples ... so I'm guessing a half a peck would be 5-6 pounds or 16 medium apples.
a peck is used for counting bushels
19 bushels is 76 pecks.
76 pecks in 19 bushels
There are 4 pecks in one bushel.
12 Pecks is equal to 3 Bushels. 1 Peck = 0.25 Bushels 12 Pecks * 0.25 Bushels = 3 Bushels
75 bushels is 300 pecks.
6.5 bushel is 26 peck.
23 bushel = 92 peck
4 pecks equals a bushel.
There are 3 bushels in 12 pecks. Since 4 pecks are equivalent to 1 bushel, you would divide 12 pecks by 4 to get 3 bushels.
There is no such thing as a 5.2 bushel. There are 4 pecks in a bushel
There are 4 bushels in a peck.