none because kg are measuring mass and litres are measuring liquid.
Oh, what a happy little question! You see, 1 liter of milk weighs about 1.03 kilograms. So, to find out how many liters are in 5 kilograms, you simply divide 5 by 1.03, which gives you approximately 4.85 liters of milk. Isn't that just delightful?
density = mass divided by volume volume = mass divided by density V = M/D = 1kg/D whre D is density in kg/liter and one liter is 1000 cubic centimeters
A liter is a unit of volume not weight, therefore to determine how much a liter weighs it depends on what you're measuring. A liter of water has a different weight than a liter of sand and so on.
.88 kg = .88 x 2.20462 lbs = 1.94 lbs
Not necessarily. I buy oil in litres.
Sesame Oil has a Density of 0.916-0.920 Kg/Liter
The weight of 1 liter of lavender oil is around 0.92 kg.
Approximately 0.994 Kg.
Approx 2,5 kilograms of seeds for 1 liter of oil.
A liter of water IS a kilogram. Since oil is lighter, it's about .625 kg
A liter of THC cost how much?
Yes, it is.
100000000000000000000000000000000000000 kg
1KG of transformer oil will sum up to 0.815litres.