The distance across Australia, travelling east-west is approximately 4000 kilometers
30 km/h
1,500 meters is 1.5 kilometers.
It is 1047 kilometers.
12,000 kilometers = 12,000,000 meters
30 k/h
The approximate distance across Australia from east to west is around 4,000 kilometers (2,500 miles) and from north to south is around 3,200 kilometers (2,000 miles).
what is the distance between the us and Australia.
160 kilometers
From north to south, it is more than 8000 kilometers across Australia. The country of Australia is nearly 3,000,000 square miles.
Japan is northeast of Australia, across the East China Sea. It is located approximately 6,000 kilometers away from Australia.
Western Australia covers an area of approximately 2.6 million square kilometers.
From the middle of Australia the the middle of Atnartica is about 7,445.32 kilometers