1 torr = 0.13 kilopascals. So, multiply torr by 0.13 to get kilopascals.
1,241.05 kilopascals.
A manometer measures pressure. The units depend on the type of manometer and how it's calibrated. Units include psi, barr, Torr, atm, pascals, and kilopascals.
1 Torr is equal to approximately 0.0193367 psi.
To convert psi to Torr, you can use the conversion factor: 1 psi is approximately equal to 51.715 Torr. Therefore, to convert 102.872 psi to Torr, you would multiply by this conversion factor to get approximately 5332.73 Torr.
1 torr is equal to 1.33322 kPa. Therefore, 1250 torr is equal to 1666.53 kPa.
Pascals, KiloPascals, inches of mercury (inHg), millimeters of mercury (mmHg), and pounds per square inch (PSI) are several common units of pressure. Some others are: Bar, Torr, Atmospheres.
The unit torr is a measure of pressure, not of atoms. So, there are no atoms in 774 torr.
50 mmHg is about 6.7 kilopascals.
613 pounds is 9,808 ounces.
A torr is a unit of pressure; a micron is a unit of length. You can't convert that.